Meet The Team from our High Wycombe Office

supplies web team south office for blog

We thought we’d put together a blog post introducing you to our wonderful team in our South office. This blog post will help you put a name to a face, help you get to know our employees on a more personal level, and find out a bit more about what they all get up to in our office! Our South office is located in High Wycombe, HP11 1SA and our telephone number for this office is 01494 572021. Without further ado… let’s meet the Supplies Web Team!


Customer Service Team

Our powerhouse customer service team are all equally amazing. You might have had the pleasure of speaking to some of our team, whether that be through email or on the phone, but if you haven’t, don’t just take our word for it – check out our reviews – they really are great!


supplies web customer service team south office


Kirstie has been an integral part of our team for 7 years now as a Customer Service Advisor. Kirstie loves working at Supplies Web because of her colleagues: “Supplies Web has a very passionate and proactive team with a huge variety of knowledge. The last 7 years have flown by with exciting times, achievements and we are a big family.” Kirstie also loves Italian food, a Netflix binge and spending time with family.



Elena is coming up to 2 years as Customer Service Advisor at Supplies Web. Elena enjoys working with us because of the great team we have. Outside of work, you can catch Elena watching films, getting stuck into a good book or a long walk in the countryside.



With over 25 years of experience under his belt, Neil is one of our very knowledgeable Customer Service Advisors. He’s been part of our team for 4 years now. When asked about his experience, he says:  “Working at Supplies Web is great. Friendly and dynamic colleagues with various knowledge and skills, who really care about all our customers and their needs”. Neil is also partial to Italian food and is really into his sports.


Peter is a Customer Service Advisor who has a whopping 30 years of experience in the industry. He’s been part of the Supplies Web team for over 4 years now. For him, the people are what matters. “The team spirit of Supplies Web is what it’s all about!”. In his spare time, Peter loves fish and chips and getting stuck into a good novel.



Livia has been our Customer Service Manager for just over 3 years now. When asked why she likes working here, she replied “I like the people I work with, the atmosphere in the office is great. The fact that the atmosphere doesn’t change the second your boss walks into the room, and my colleagues have a great sense of humour.” Livia loves spending time with her loved ones outside of work and eating her Grandma’s pancakes!


Account management


Oliver is our Key Account Manager who has been with us for 4 years and has a vast 22 years experience! Oliver enjoys his role because every day is different and of course the office atmosphere. He enjoys a Sunday roast and lots of sport!

client testimonial supplies web

Promotional products 



Dawn is fairly new to the Supplies Web family, having been here for 1 and a half years, however, she has 20 years of experience in the industry which really shows! Dawn is glad to have joined the team because “Supplies Web is a very modern thinking company with a great support network”. Dawn is a real foodie and can’t pick a favourite cuisine, and she likes to spend her spare time socialising with friends.


Business development



Aileen has been employed for 2 years and has 25 years industry experience. Aileen enjoys working with us “as we have an amazing team who work fab together.” Aileen loves Chinese food and gardening. 

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Business operations & finance



Sian is our Business Operations and Finance Manager and enjoys being part of Supplies Web  “due to the team, the management and the ethos. We are like a family and everyone is passionate about what role they play a part in.” Sian loves home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients but if it’s a restaurant it would have to be Italian. Her passion outside of work is travelling, especially to sunny places where she can laze on beaches and swim in the sea.



Martin is our Senior Accounts Assistant and is coming up to his first year with us. He finds the Supplies Web team a really helpful and friendly one. His favourite meal is a classic “spag bol” and he loves being active, including walking, scouting and even sailing!



Jon has been our Accounts Assistant for 5 years. He says “my lovely colleagues are what makes Supplies Web”. He loves a Chinese takeaway and loves his football (as a spectator to clarify!).


Neil employee supplies web




Grahame is the Director of Supplies (alongside Paul who is based in the North office) and founded Supplies Web 13 years ago. Grahame loves the culture at Supplies Web because “working at Supplies Web no day is ever the same. It gives me great pride to see the company and team grow and develop over the years.” Grahame has a fair few favourite foods, Italian, proper BBQ food, roast dinners and a classic curry. Outside of work, he loves cooking and to balance this out loves keeping fit on his mountain bike!


Sustainability in our South office

At Supplies Web, we all really understand the importance of trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible and really believe in sustainability. Some of the efforts we’re making to be more sustainable include recycling as much packaging as possible from suppliers and re-use packaging where we can, separating our waste (paper, glass, bottles) and we’ve also LED light bulbs in our offices to ensure we’re saving as much energy as possible. Our computers are set to go into low power mode when not in use and turned off overnight to save energy and our electricity supply is from 100% green energy sources. When we need to use paper we make sure it’s FSC-certified or recycled, and we also use remanufactured ink and toner to minimise our impact. We have timed thermostatic heating controls to efficiently heat the building as well as condenser boilers that only heat the hot water we use rather than relying on stored hot water that we won’t use. To find out about all our sustainability efforts in detail check out our sustainability page.

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Activities we do to support our local community 

Charity is something that is really close to our hearts at Supplies Web and we try to get involved in fundraising activities where we can. Some of the ways in which we partake include our yearly bake off and cake sales within both of our offices to raise money for Macmillan cancer support, getting involved in ‘pink day’ or ‘tickle pink day’ for Cancer Research,  Sports Relief and Red Nose day, where we dress up in in-theme colours and red noses and raise funds for charity. We also often do quizzes and games for Children In Need. Last but certainly not least, for Christmas, we do Jumper days to save funds for Save the Children.

macmillan charity fundraising supplies web breast cancer charity fundraising cupcakes supplies web Supplies web charity commitment

Make sure to follow us on our social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) to keep up to date with everything we’re doing! And don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries!


Copyright Suppliesweb Ltd 2022

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