National Clean Off Your Desk Day – In Your Company


Are you more organised at home than you are at work?

Some people tidy their desks daily but some need prompting. Clean your desk day (14th January 2019) is a perfect occasion for you to clean and organise your work space.

This day may support some of your new year’s resolutions. For example, to be tidier and more organised. Personally, I have never made a resolution to do this, yet I do find myself doing this each day if not weekly to keep on top of things. I like to keep my desk as clear as possible as it helps clear my mind and supports my productivity.

Here are some tips of how to improve your space;

  1. As you clear off your desk, put things into different piles such as keep, file or throw away.
  2. For the paper on your desk – think about your GDPR practise and separate these into piles such as shred, file and to do.
  3. Clean. If you weren’t aware, did you know that your desk can hold more bacteria than a toilet seat! (GROSS) Try to wipe down everything from your keyboard to your chair
  4. For the paperwork that you needed to keep, file them in an organised way and ensure your desk accessories don’t clutter the top of your desk. Some items you don’t use daily can be put away into a draw.
  5. Shred, shred and shred. Keep a draw that is lockable to keep your pile of paperwork secure until you can shred the documentation. Here at Supplies Web, we can help with a variety of shredders for the office and help you with onsite and offsite shredding.

Our favourite products to help get organised in the office;

To help get organised, our Customer Service Team use this to keep on top of things and helps to prioritise.

File your paperwork in categories and keep them locked away when you are not present at your desk.

Label your letter trays such as to do, file and refer to which makes it easier to find the documents you need instead of looking through piles of paperwork.

Once you have had a go at your desk, why not post a photo using the hashtag #CleanOffYourDeskDay and tag us @Supplies_web so we can see your clean and clutter-free desk!



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